Jobs Act also for the self-employed | Studio Legale Menichetti


The new Jobs Act for self-employed workers has introduced new rights and forms of protection in favour of professionals with VAT identification numbers.

Among the many novelties, a few outstanding ones are: the rights of professionals to apply an interest rate on arrears (currently 8%) for unpaid bills, and furthermore, the ban on making agreements to be paid after 60 days, or to allow, in the case of continuing services rendered, that the hired professional be fired without due notice in advance.

Furthermore, one has recognized, in the case of redundancy, that registered professionals, researchers, and PhD students and collaborators will receive an unemployment check in the form of indemnity, as an exclusive case.

Registered professionals and professionals with VAT identification numbers belonging to categories without a retirement plan will also have the right to parental leave allowance, for a maximum of six months, within the first three years of the life of the child.

In the case of pregnancy, female professionals and self-employed workers will have the right to motherhood indemnity allowance for two months before and three months following the act of giving birth, also in cases when they are not absent from the job.

As far as laws on taxation are concerned, there are no longer any maximum amounts of money that can be deducted for room and board spent by professionals or self-employed workers in order to carry out specific jobs. And when paying taxes they can deduct up to €10,000 per year for money spent to sign up for symposiums, conferences, further education, professional training and refresher courses.



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