Repeal: dressing time to be compensated for| Studio Legale Menichetti


The time required to get dressed into the mandatory work clothing, provided by the employer, must be remunerated when the task is organised by the employer and carried out on the pre-established company premises.

This activity is in fact part of a preparatory phase, relating to supplementary and apparatus activities, to be carried out under business discipline (article. 2104 comma 2 c.c.) and payable independently by the employer. Therefore, it should be considered an effective task which requires constant and continuous attention, in accordance with article 3 of the Royal Decree-Law March 5th, 1923 no. 692. For this it is to be remunerated, according to the sentence of Repeal section no. 2059 registered January 30th, 2014.

Ruota il dispositivo!