Representation: confederal-confindustria agreement| Studio Legale Menichetti


Confindustria and confederate trade unions have signed a Consolidated Law on Representation, which, as delivered in their joint statement, “constitutes a true and unique law on the subject of trade union representation composed of four parts which regulate: the measurement of union representation at national and company level; the methods aimed at guaranteeing the effective implementation of the agreements signed in compliance with the agreed regulation. To measure the representation of the participants and to guarantee the complete fulfilment of the agreements reached determining greater clarity and transparency in the industrial relations helping to improve the framework for those who wish to invest in our country”.

The representative index of OO.SS. will be determined by Cnel taking into consideration an average between the number of certified registrations and the votes obtained in company elections: only trade unions with an index greater than 5% will be able to stipulate collective agreements, which, once approved and ratified by the workers’ vote, will apply to everyone.

For those who don’t respect the agreements, financial or behavioural sanctions the temporary suspension of trade union rights have been revised.
Is the trade union representation problem finally resolved? Not yet, because the aforementioned agreement does not in any way bind the non-confederate unions and, bearing constitutional regulation (article. 39 of the Constitution, but also article 40 of the Constitution) it should be approved by the Legislator and not only social partners.

Not to mention that Fiom has already disassociated itself from Cgil

Ruota il dispositivo!