The Menichetti Law Firm participates in the XXVI World Jurist Association Biennial Congress| Studio Legale Menichetti


On 19 and 20 February 2019 the lawyers Enzo Pisa and Claudio Damoli will participate as keynote speakers at the XXVI World Jurist Association Biennial Congress "The Rule of Law, Guarantor of Freedom" in Madrid.

The World Jurist Association is a non-governmental organization, endowed with a special status and having consultative power at the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, which was born as an organization open to those who work in the legal world , i.e. judges, lawyers, law professors and other professionals in the sector; only by working together and collaborating, in fact, is it possible, according to the Association, to improve the rule of law and its institutions, wherever they are in the world.

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